Make the Right Decision to Let Go

Decisions, decisions, decisions! 

They can be costly, hard to make, cause you to miss excellent opportunities, or even give up when you are so close to the finish line. Decisions can restore marriages, save a life, and bring healing.  

The decisions you make today can alter the course of your life. 

Should you stay in the relationship or leave? Accept the job offer or reject it? Pay full price for the item or wait until it goes on sale? 

For over five years, I was in a relationship with a guy that I, along with family and friends, thought would be the one I spend the rest of my life with.

God’s plans prevailed and the relationship eventually ended.

At the time I could not understand how something that seemed so right turns out to be wrong. I was disappointed, in denial, angry, bitter, and heartbroken.

Three decisions changed my life. I had to accept that he was not the right one for me, surrender my plans for God’s plan for my life, and embrace my true identity.

Accept, Surrender, and Embrace brought healing to my aching heart, and continues to help keep me on the path that was set before me.

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:2-3)

Sin is something you are born into, but it is something you do not have to live in. Originally, humanity was formed without sin, morally upright, and inclined to do good.

Because Adam and Eve decided to go against God’s directive to not eat from the tree of good and evil, sin entered the world and negatively impacted our relationship with God.

Thankfully, this relationship can be restored when we make the right decision to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior.

A great man by the name of Apostle Paul knew firsthand what it was like to do things his way. This man thought he had his life figured out. He was focused on persecuting the church, invited himself into people’s houses and committed them to prison because they stood for Christ.  

For three whole days, this self-proclaimed chief sinner lost his sight. His plans plummeted, pushed him into purpose, and he started preaching after his sight was restored.

This life-altering event ushered Paul into the life he was meant to live. He had to let go of the lifestyle he thought was good for him to accept the real-life Christ had prepared for him.

So, what happens when you make the right decision to let go of the wrong thing? 

  • You find your true identity
  • You become part of the real royal family
  • You find peace in knowing your past does not determine your future
  • You have access to limitless resources to fulfill your God-given assignments
  • You are free to embrace the unique, gifted, and talented person you were created to be

The benefits are endless.

Prayer Starter

Almighty God, although I make many plans in my heart, at the end of the day, Your purpose will prevail. You know the thoughts that You think towards me. They are thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give me a great future and hope.