From body butter, soaps, deodorants, garments, and vases. These types of handmade items have landed in households across the world.

Often these types of products are beautifully packaged, and at times you may even get a special note that says handmade with love or made especially for you

In general, it makes one feel special when they receive a handmade product. The thought of knowing that someone dedicated precious time to use their gifts, talents, and resources to brighten one’s day is priceless.

Whether you received a handmade item as a gift or purchased it yourself, it’s only right that one appreciates the maker for their efforts to create something just for you

Recently, I had the privilege of creating customized women’s bow ties. Before making one, I would take a moment to glance over my selection of ribbon.

Polka dots, flowers, and stripes, oh my! Where do I start? Which colors should I put together? How long or short should it be? Should the style be simple or complex?

At times I would become overly excited with the array of colors and designs on the ribbon, which made it challenging to decide on which bow to make.

I would make a mistake, discard the ribbon, and have to start all over again. I viewed it as a waste of time, money, and materials.

However, there were times I would visualize a bow to make and would have no problem when it came time to make it.

When I gave thought and attention to what I was going to create, the finished product turned out the way I envisioned it.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14

A king named David was grateful for the careful attention God gave him when he formed him in his mother’s womb.

He saw the importance of letting praises spring forth for being the finished product of the powerful hands that created him.

David says, “I am!”

  • I am confident
  • I am appreciative
  • I am thankful
  • I am marvelously made

Even though David made quite a few mistakes, he still knew, I am…

Deep down in his soul he knew that his life was still valuable and had meaning. 

Avoid letting your mistakes leave you in a place of misery and disappointment.

You make mistakes but you aren’t one. 

The great Creator, God Himself, knew you were unmistakably created before you were formed in your mother’s womb.

He knew every shortcoming you would encounter; however, that did not stop Him from divinely designing you into the person you were predestined to be.

You are unique and nothing about your existence is a coincidence.

Everything God made was good and turned out the way he envisioned it. This includes you!

You are not “Unmistakably Created”, so who are you? Take a moment to fill in the blank I am ______________.

Prayer Starter

Lord, thank you for life. The fact that I am breathing at this very moment lets me know that I am still here for a reason. I refuse to let my mistakes cause me to miss out on the abundant life you want me to live. I believe that my existence has meaning, and I come into agreement with the plans you have for my life.


  1. I am Black. I am a woman. I am beautiful. This is definitely in a time such as this. We must stay positive and keep mind the created made no mistake we he created us.

    1. Yes, we are people with a purpose!

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