Release What You Have to Offer

Can you guess what it is?

It is non-partial. Everyone gets the same amount. As you go about your daily activities, it keeps moving.  Deadlines are no stranger to it. Some people find it hard to manage. You cannot touch it, but if you use it wisely, you can produce great things.

Did you guess it?

It is time. 

A precious gift that you have been given by God to fulfill his purpose for your life.  

Recently I learned about a woman, nearly 80 years old, who used time to earn a college degree.  

At one point, earning her degree without any outside interruptions looked very promising.

Yet, that was not the case. 

After devoting time to caring for others and having a successful career as an accountant, years later this woman would eventually finish what she started. 

It may have seemed to some people that her window of opportunity to advance her education had passed, or that time was simply not on her side. This lady proved that her life still had meaning, and she would use the gift of time to change the course of her life.

She did not question her ability to obtain her degree because of her age, she knew it was possible and went for it. 

Then the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” Genesis 18: 13-14 NIV

Sarah’s perspective of time was quite different from the woman previously mentioned. 

When it was said that she would give birth to a son, not only did Sarah find the news funny, but she also had questions. 

Beyond wondering if she and her husband would find pleasure and delight in each other, this 90-year-old woman had a hard time believing that life could emerge from her womb.  

Sarah was convinced that her reproductive years were far behind her, but God had a plan to use what looked as if it was unproductive to fulfill his promise.  

Her time on earth had not come to an end because of her age. Sarah had something to offer the world, even though she did not believe it. 

She was the chosen one, the one that God selected to bear Abraham a son named Isaac from which Jesus Christ would descend. 

It was Jesus Christ who uttered these words in John 19:30 “It is finished.” He completed his assignment within the timeframe he was given. 

Before you go about your day, I have some questions for you. 

        •      How are you managing the gift of time? What are you doing with it?

        •      Have you yielded yourself to God’s mission for your life?

        •      Do you feel a burden to start a business, write a book, go back to school, compose music, etc., but question if you can do it?

Your capability lies within God’s power to do what seems impossible. 

The inner dialogue you have within yourself can be sabotaging or stretch you beyond self-imposed limitations. 

What you do in the time that God has given you matters. Please do not rob your family, community, the world, or yourself of the very thing you were sent on earth to release. 

Prayer Starter

Lord, thank you for gifting me with the precious gift of time. Forgive me for the times I did not effectively use it to advance your agenda for my life. This moment is an opportunity for me to take life-altering steps towards being who you created me to be. Help me to live an intentional and meaningful life that brings you glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.