1. Great message points and food for thought! Thank you!

    1. You are welcome. I am glad the post provided you with some food for thought. Thank you so much for sharing your feedback.

  2. Awesome points for us to take away! Thanks for being obedient to your calling.

    1. You are welcome. Glad you were able glean some takeaways. I am really enjoying the journey of creating content and sharing it. Thank you so much for your feedback.

    2. Gratitude promotes a deeper appreciation of our Father and his love and kindness unto us. It also positions us in the place God has assigned unto us. Let our past propel us into our future. Continue to keep grounding yourself in gratitude is my mission. Thank you for these powerful words of encouragement, growth and words of sustainability.

  3. Gratitude promotes a deeper appreciation of our Father and his love and kindness unto us. It also positions us in the place God has assigned unto us. Let our past propel us into our future. Continue to keep grounding yourself in gratitude is my mission. Thank you for these powerful words of encouragement, growth and words of sustainability.

    1. Positioning yourself in a posture of gratitude is so beautiful. I agree, gratitude truly does deepen our appreciation of our Father. It is refreshing and comforting to know that an attitude of gratitude in pleasing in His sight.

      You are welcome and thank you for sharing your feedback.

  4. This was amazing! Thank you so much sharing. Gratefulness is essential as a worshipper. Great post!

    1. You are welcome. Yes, it truly is. Thank you so much for sharing your input.

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