Beyond your job title, degree, or your role as a mother, wife, or daughter, you may ask, “Who am I?”

Perhaps you struggle to answer this question. You long to discover the purpose for your earthly existence. I believe most women fit into one of the following categories:

  • I want to discover my true identity.
  • I am aware of my true identity but not living it.
  • I am experiencing authentic living but could use some encouragement.

Which one describes you?

Wherever you fit and whatever your role in life, I want to use my life lessons, highlighted with Scripture, to empower and uplift you. As a fluid writer and confident composer, I want to help you identify who you really are. I create my inspirational content with you in mind.

Once a week, I will publish messages of hope that will empower you to walk in the truth of who you were created to be. I believe in the power of prayer, so each message will end with a “Prayer Starter” to enhance your prayer life.

Who am I? I am a saved Jesus-lover from the South, the oldest of four siblings from a faith-filled family I dearly love.

But I am not a typical Southerner who savors fried chicken and sweet tea. Chocolate and a cup of coffee with hazelnut creamer suits me just fine.

I delight in taking naps, shopping, reading, and crafting. As a single woman, I find spending time with my two handsome nephews priceless.

I believe you and I have not met by coincidence.  Where you are now does not compare to the great things God has in store for you!

Be sure to subscribe to my blog, so an encouraging message does not miss your inbox.

Happy Authentic Living,

Nicole Davis, The King’s Daughter