Provision in the Standstill


Frustrated, famished, and frightened. 

Hundreds of travelers were recently stuck along one of the nation’s busiest interstates. 

Surrounded by downed trees, snow, and ice, most travelers were left at an unexpected standstill that delayed their commute beyond 20 hours. 

Some drivers documented their experience through social media posts or provided news stations with reports of what was happening around them. 

One couple’s story caught my attention. 

Having gone without food and water for approximately 37 hours, the couple had an idea that would bring some relief to them and other travelers. 

Not hopeful that following through on their idea would bring a favorable outcome, they proceeded anyway.  

At about 9 am on a Tuesday, the couple noticed a bread truck near them.

The couple called the customer service number provided on the truck to ask if the company would share the loaves of bread on board.

In less than 20 minutes, they received a call from the company’s owner.

He was willing to fulfill their request. 

The wife followed the instructions provided by the owner.  

Trekking the slippery terrain, the woman walked up to the truck, caught the truck driver’s attention, and handed over her phone.  

Within minutes the truck driver left his truck. Along with the couple and other good Samaritans, he dispersed hundreds of loaves of bread to stranded motorists who had gone without food for hours. 

This “feed the hunger initiative” reminded me of a story in the Bible. 

In route to the Promise Land, the children of Israel not only experienced a season of intense hunger, but they encountered a standstill in their travel as well.

However, it would be a 40-year stay in the wilderness for them. 

This standstill made the Israelites question if the departure from their comfort zone was worth the risk of possibly dying from hunger in the wilderness. 

Convinced that it would have been better to remain in bondage in Egypt, their complaints were soon met with a report that meat and bread would be supplied. 

We are told that they ate bread until they reached the border of the Promise Land, Canaan.

As you set out to accomplish whatever you are called to do in this season of your life, you may encounter a sudden standstill, whether intentional or unintentional. 

I hope you remember this in those moments.

God supplies us with all the sustenance we need to get through each scene of our life. 

He has an endless supply of grace, mercy, love, joy, peace, and compassion. 

When you ask God to meet your needs, it acknowledges your dependence upon Him. 

It also shows that you trust in His sufficient and divine provision for each day and every situation you face. 

Whether it is an emotional, spiritual, or physical need, the God of Provision will supply it. 

Just do what the couple did, instead ask God to provide your daily bread. He is always willing and ready to feed you. 

What is one thing you need the Lord to provide for you? 


  1. I am a witness that when I needed God to supply my needs he showed up. One thing I need the Lord to provide for me is His presence. I never want Him to take His Holy Spirit away from me. I need Him everyday of my life! This was a great article!👏🏾

    1. Hi Dr. Watkins! Yes, it is so comforting to know that in His presence is fullness of joy. Your response made me think about the hymn, I Need Thee. Thank you so much for sharing your response to the article.

  2. Omg, Provision in the standstill was so encouraging. God is always waiting on us in the moment of a standstill. He is always making provision for us. We have to be able to see the provisions thru the spirit. Amen

    1. Hi Eleanor! I am glad the article was encouraging. I appreciate that you included in your response, “we have to be able to see the provisions through the Spirit.” Often, one may forget or not realize that God has already supplied us with some things. According to 2 Peter 1:3, “Everything we could ever need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us by his divine power. For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing him who has called us by name and invited us to come to him through a glorious manifestation of his goodness.”

      Out of all the motorists stranded along the interstate, the couple appeared to be the only ones aware that what they needed was right in front of them. The call to the company was the key to their access.

      I am so grateful that God’s Word and Holy Spirit remind us of all we already have access to as Daughters of the King. Thank you for sharing your takeaways from the article.

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