1. Thank you for this audio post! It’s enriched with the word of God. Abiding in the Son means total surrenderance to the father in all aspects of our lives. In order to represent Christ we must hear and follow the word of God. I love the part about having love , compassion , joy and peace…total deliverance brings about a change. I love the topic Busy but not productive! Thank you again for following the voice of the Lord to share this audio post

    1. You are welcome. I totally agree, abiding in Christ requires total surrenderance as this makes room for Christ to live His life through ours. When we abide in Christ, we also grow in the character of Christ as stated in Galatians 5:22-23. This is all part of Kingdom Living and it is such a beautiful life to experience. Thank you for contributing to this post.

  2. God Bless You!! ❤

    1. Thank you Kim. Blessings to you as well.

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