Let the Weight-Bearer Lighten Your Load

Weight loss, a goal, a desire, and a struggle for many people.

As a full-time health coach, weight loss is among the top three goals most of my patients would like to achieve.

Some people want to jumpstart their weight loss journey, but struggle with letting go of unhealthy habits.

Although there are many risks of carrying extra weight, there are benefits that could come with losing it as well.

From improving sleep to fitting in a pair of pants you used to fit it, letting go of extra weight is a huge achievement for many.

One of the things I dread doing after grocery shopping is carrying grocery bags into my home.

To help combat the drudgery of making multiple trips from my home to my car, I often carry as many grocery bags as I can.

With both arms bearing the excess weight of several bags, I wobble my way to the front door, realizing with every step that some of the weight I am carrying is unnecessary. 

It is not until I drop the bags that my body is relieved from all the pressure of the weight it carried. 

Each time I decide to carry more weight than my body is built to carry, I do not think about it at the time, but excessive strain is placed on my neck, back, and shoulders. 

This convenience over comfort approach, could be problematic in the long run if continued.

Over time carrying the heavy loads could lead to muscle imbalances, which could result of risk of a risk of injury. 

I know, not good, right? 

Have you ever found yourself carrying unnecessary weight?

Not physical weight.

I am referring to the cares of life that you carry internally that can weigh you down.

Casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].

1 Peter 5:7

In terms of shedding weight in the natural, exercise and developing healthy eating habits can potentially help a person lose weight.

In the Kingdom of God, the way we shed unnecessary weight is by casting it on the Weight Bearer, God himself.  

Carrying unnecessary weight can delay or stop you from reaching your destination.  

Here are some things the cares of life will do if you allow it to weigh you down. 

  • Cause you to focus on temporal things. 
  • Hinder you from living in the promises of God. 
  • Keep you in a place you were never meant to live in. 
  • Prevent you from fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. 

If the troubles of life are weighing you down, it is not worth the risk of missing out on the joy, peace, and the fruitful life God wants you to live.

No longer do you have to carry the cares of life. Today is an opportunity to make the decision to place on God everything that is concerning you.

He is handling you with care. Toss the load, once and for all, and rest in him!

Prayer Starter

Father, it is in the name of Jesus, I come before you releasing the cares of my life (Be specific, insert them here) that are weighing on me. Today, I choose to live a worry-free life by dropping anxiety, worry, and all concerns at your feet. Thank you for continuing to care for me as only you can.
