The Privilege of Being in God’s Presence

Your alarm goes off.

You are resting so peacefully in bed, staring at the ceiling, and thinking about everything you would like to accomplish before the day ends.

Cuddled underneath covers, you roll out of bed, wishing you could remain there for as long as you would like to, but you cannot.

Minutes pass and the demands of your day nudge you out of bed and into the tasks that await you.

Which task on your to-do list do you tackle first? In your mind, all of them may seem important, but if you are honest with yourself, all may not be urgent.

All tasks are not created equal.

Planning is a natural talent that is refreshing for me. I have an extensive track record in preparing and coordinating in-home gatherings and special events.  

The downside to this…

On execution day, my attention is usually on making sure everything is going as planned.

I often miss out on all the meaningful things that make gatherings memorable, like being present with guests and bonding with them through conversations or playing games.  

My focus is usually on serving.

Countless questions run through my mind as I try to help make my guests’ experience a pleasant one.

Is there enough food? Should I have set things up differently? Is everyone enjoying themselves? The list goes on and on.

But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” Luke 10:40 NIV

Presented with the opportunity to join her sister, Mary, in Jesus’ Master Class…

  • Martha decided to serve, and Mary sat at Jesus’ feet.
  • Martha was distracted by her to-dos, while Mary disciplined herself by not allowing her duties to become distractions.
  • Martha thought it was best to entertain while Mary was engaged in what Jesus had to say while being in his presence.

These tasks may have been urgent to Martha, but they indeed were not meaningful in the moment, from Jesus’ viewpoint. 

He told her in verse 42 “but few things are needed-or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

God’s presence comes with benefits.

Challenges that seemed hard are now manageable.

Your body, soul, and spirit are refreshed to keep moving forward.

You become undistracted by all the things vying for your attention.

You gain clarity and direction for what you need to do next.

We may find ourselves taking on responsibilities that were never meant for us to fulfill. Also, a lot of our attention may be on non-essential things that keep us away from what matters most.

There are times when we simply need to hit pause to reset and be refreshed in the presence of God.

Prayer Starter

Lord, thank you for being the Rock I can lean on when my heart is overwhelmed. Although all things are permissible, not all things are profitable. Help me to intentionally and consistently devote time to engage in things that are advantageous to my mental, spiritual, and physical wellbeing. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.