Unbothered Because I am at Peace

In the world, we see the peace sign regularly shown in various capacities and for different reasons. 

Some display the sign as a way of saying I’m good or I’m out of here, while others may exhibit the sign to promote unity. 

The peace the world offers and displays is incomparable to the gift of God’s peace that is available to His children.  

While attempting to run an errand on my lunch break one day, I got into my vehicle only to find that it would not start.

Unbothered by the matter, I used a different vehicle to run my errands.

However, I thought the issue was a dead battery and went out to purchase some jumper cables.

The cables were placed correctly with some assistance, so we thought, but my vehicle would not start.

After several failed attempts to jumpstart my vehicle, we disconnected the cables with no success.

I said a prayer and then heard these words, “try it again.”

After learning that the cables were placed incorrectly, I grabbed the cables and proceeded out the door to make another attempt to start my vehicle.

The cables were correctly positioned, and my car started.

The answer I needed to resolve this matter came through prayer and telling God just what I needed. My response was, “Thank you God for answering my prayer”.

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 TPT

God’s plan for peace is sure to help you navigate every challenge you encounter. 

When faced with countless tests, the appropriate response is not complicated.

It is simple.

The first part of the above scripture encourages you not to worry.

Secondly, Pray and giveGod all the details of your requests. Yes, God knows what we need even before we ask, but he wants to hear it from you. 

The final part of God’s peace plan is thanksgiving. There is so much you can thank God for. When you take time to do this, not only is it refreshing, but it also displaces worry and anxiety. 

A key benefit of implementing these principles is that you get to experience God’s peace, not the world’s peace. 

The peace the world offers is unreliable and short-lived.

God’s plan for peace invites him to intervene on your behalf and respond to your situation in a way that is within His will.

Financial struggles…Unbothered

Loss of a job…Unbothered

Bad economy…Unbothered

Health issues…Unbothered

Talk about a sign of peace.

When worry and anxiety come your way, know God’s Peace Plan is highly effective at helping you overcome it every single time. 

It is a no-fail plan that really works!

I encourage you to identify things that you are worried or anxious about. Then try following God’s Peace Plan. You may actually find yourself unbothered by the cares of life because you are experiencing His peace.

Prayer Starter 

Lord, you are the best gift-giver. Thank you for gifting me with the gift of your peace. Help me not to worry or be anxious about anything but to pray about everything. I bring all my requests (list them here) to you because I know you will respond in a way that is best for me. Today, I direct all my cares to you because you have a unique way of caring for me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.