Keys may be small in stature, but they are loaded with power. Do you agree?

Missing keys can leave you stranded, cause you to miss an important meeting, or fail to give you access to personal belongings. 

Keys can cause anxiety when they go missing or fall into the hands of someone you did not give permission to hold.      

While attending a celebration of life service, I decided to leave my purse in my car because I was asked to serve as a flower bearer.

I decided to only take my keys with me.

At the end of the service, as other women and I exited the building carrying our flowers down the aisle, we proceeded to place flowers in the trunk of an automobile.

Right after my flower was placed in the trunk, I soon realized my keys were left behind. I panicked and hastily maneuvered my way through a crowd to take possession of my keys.

I re-entered the building only to find my keys were not where I left them.

I felt helpless. Not only did someone have my keys, but they also had access to my belongings. They could have used my credit and debit card, enter my living space, or cruised in my car if they wanted to.

After asking around and looking in the same spot multiple times, there were no keys to be found. How could this be? In such a short timeframe, someone took what belonged to me.

I had to be transported home to retrieve my spare key.

In route to pick up my vehicle, I made a phone call to ask an attendee of the service if they had any idea where my keys could be.

To my surprise, the individual informed me that someone saw that my keys were left behind, picked them up and had possession of them.

I pondered on the question, why did not anyone inform me that they had my keys?

Nevertheless, I made my way back to the church and got my keys.

The mystery was solved from three things: my question, their confession and my possession.

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth will have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will have been loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:19.

In Matthew 16 Jesus asked his inner circle, his disciples, two powerful questions. He asked them, “who do people say that the Son of Man is?” and “who do you say that I am?”

A brave man by the name of Peter confessed, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” His confession made him a recipient of keys that gave him instant access into a realm that Jesus’ opposers did not have access to.

Jesus’ opposers were blinded to the fact that he was who they were looking for. Their rejection and lack of confession that Jesus was their Messiah prevented them from possessing the keys of God’s kingdom.

Peter’s admission authorized him to not only possess the keys of the kingdom but to use them as well.

In short, kingdom keys are found within God’s word, which contains principles that instruct us on how to live an authentic life.

After receiving my keys, I was relieved. One question led to restoration and I was free to continue to carry on with my day.

Your Creator wants you to use the kingdom keys that are available when you put your trust in him. These keys are useful in overcoming every challenge you may face in life. Whether you are aware of it or not, the inner woman within you wants to be restored to her rightful place in God’s kingdom. You are only given one life to live, so decide to live it freely.

Prayer Starter

Lord, direct me throughout my journey so I can experience your plans for my life. Reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to you. Escort me along the way; take me by the hand and teach me. For you are the God of my increasing salvation. (Psalms 25: 4-5 TPT)  


  1. I love the story you provided. It really helps to illustrate the meaning of the context. Thank you!

    1. You are welcome. Glad you found the post helpful.

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